Wednesday 25 September 2013

Derivational suffixes which create nouns

Sufijos derivacionales que forman sustantivos

Nouns created by suffixes in English.

Sustantivos creados por sufijos en inglés.

According to the following list of suffixes, you will perceive how a word can change of grammatical class or sub-class. For example in the verb “to arrive” by the addition of the suffix “-al” it is converted into the noun “arrival”.

If someone asked us to convert the verb “to insist” into a noun we should use the suffix     “-ence”in order to obtain the noun “insistence”.

As we have already stated in the associated article “Suffixes role in English”, a suffix may change a word to a sub-class of the same word class.

For example, applying the suffix –age to the word bag (which is count noun as we can say if there are two, three or more bags as bag is a countable noun) we create the non-count noun baggage (it is an uncountable noun as we cannot say if there is one baggage or there some baggage).

In case of doubt, remember that a non-count noun never has plural form; we just don’t say two milks, two snows, two baggages…

This will be a required exercise for advanced levels, either on an official language examination as the “Advanced of English”, or using the less common suffixes on the “Proficiency”.


A partir de la siguiente lista de sufijos te darás cuenta de cómo se puede cambiar de clase o subclase una palabra. Por ejemplo el verbo”to arrive” (llegar) al añadirle el sufijo “–al” se convierte en arrival (llegada) un sustantivo.

Si nos pidieran convertir el verbo “to insist” en un sustantivo deberíamos utilizar el sufijo “-ence” para obtener” insistence”.

También como ya indicamos en el artículo relacionado “Suffixes role in english”, el sufijo puede provocar un cambio de subclase.

 Un ejemplo seria aplicar el sufijo –age a la palabra bag (bolsa) que es un sustantivo contable (podemos decir si hay una, dos o más bosas; se puede contar) resultando la palabra baggage (equipaje) que es un sustantivo incontable (no podemos decir si hay uno o más equipajes; no se puede contar).

 Ante la duda de si una palabra es contable o incontable recordemos que las no contables no tienen plural, no decimos dos leches, dos nieves, dos equipajes…

Este será un tipo de ejercicio que se pide para niveles avanzados, bien sea en un examen oficial como el “Advanced of English “y con sufijos menos comunes para el “Proficiency”.



refer to the action or process
wastage, anchorage
action of        
arrival, approval
person/thing performing the action
student, deodorant
refer to an action
insistence, violence
thing or place relating to
planetarium, aquarium
relating or connected to
monetary, watery
state or condition
boredom, freedom
person/thing subject of the origin verb
interviewee, employee
one that performs
singer, registrar
little one                      someone who is or belongs
kiddie                          townie
denoting condition, character
motherhood, childhood
denotes action or practice
state or condition
principles or doctrines
optimism, pessimism
Marxism, pacifism
person who is concerned with
impressionist, machinist
state or condition      
similarity, casualty
jewellery worn on that part of the body        
kitchenette, booklet
bracelet, wristlet
action or result
management, investment
state, condition, quality, degree
abruptness, crispness
state, position or skills
membership, citizenship
state, condition, action,
process or result
confusion, composition
action, state, condition or quality of           
acclamation, subrogation



See related article: Suffixes role in English.

Ver artículo relacionado: El papel de los sufijos en inglés.

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